Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eventful Month!

This month feels like it's never going to end and flying by all at the same time! Does anyone else feel that way or is it just me???

We've had a pretty eventful month so far, we moved into our new townhouse (which I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!), Hayden is now 9 months old, I celebrated my 25th birthday, and Dan's 26th birthday is in 3 days! That's not to mention all the day to day things that we have been up to!

Our new little house is nice, comfortable, and is in the perfect location! K, I totally get what you said about the donuts at the farmer's market, they are DIVINE!!! I take Hayden on daily walks(at least I try to make them daily!) around Suburban Square, the Farmer's Market, Trader Joe's, and all the little quant shops lining Lancaster Ave. I simply love this town! I grew up here, spent most of my teenage life shopping in Suburban Square, working at Gap Kids and making fountain drinks at Ruby's, but I think I'm enjoying it now more than ever before. This time around, I'm sharing all of these amazing adventures with my beautiful daughter, who just seems to be soaking it all in!

I love that we have a patio where we can sit out and watch the leaves fall! Hayden loves to step on the leaves and hear the crunch beneth her feet! We finally bought a grill and have been enjoying the local veggies and fresh meat from the farmer's market a la barbque! Yum Yum!

And then there's Hayden's new bedroom, let me tell you! She is truly a little princess! She has 2 closets lining one full wall in her room. I'm not talking about little closets that you just hang clothes from, they are California closets! Lucky girl! Thankfully, all of the closets in this house are like that! Thank you L (our landlord) for installing them! We are definitely enjoying them!

I could just go on and on about every aspect of our new home that I'm loving! But that will just take hours and hours! I guess you'll just have to come visit to see what I mean!

So Hayden is now 9 months old! I said it before and I'll say it again! She's growing up too fast! This month she has just blown us away! She has such a fun little personality! She constantly makes us laugh and I think she has a smile permanently plastered to her face! I feel so lucky and truly blessed to have such an amazing baby! She makes each day wonderful and worth while! I never imagined that I would be able to love someone as much as I love her! She's stolen our hearts!

My birthday was somewhat uneventful, which was totally fine by me! I spent the day out shopping with my family and hanging out with my little girl. My day would have been much better if my hubby was home, but unfortunatly someone has to bring home the bacon! Weekends are hard for him to get off, which is understandable with his line of work! But he made up for it by taking me out to dinner the next day! I LOVE YOU BABE!

Now we are just waiting for Dan's birthday which is on Sunday... Let's just say I can't really say anything until after Sunday... ;)

So much more to come within the next few months:
  1. Hayden's first Halloween
  2. Our 6 year anniversary (November 1st)
  3. Hayden's first Thanksgiving
  4. Hayden's first Christmas
  5. New Years
  6. Hayden's first birthday!!!

The list just goes on and on! Well, I'll keep everyone posted...

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