Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby #2

Let me just start off by stating that "NO, I AM NOT PREGNANT!" By no means do I intend on getting pregnant right now! That's the last thing on my mind!

My dear friend L brought up a good questions. When is the right time to start thinging about baby #2. Originally we both though after a couple years, maybe 2 or 3, would be a good time. Now that I have Hayden, this question has come up quit a few times at home. When is the right time to start thinking about bringing another baby into the family. When we first brought Hayden home we thought maybe in 2 years. Now after spending more time with her and forming this incredible bond I'm not sure that 2 years is enough time. I love the time that I get with Hayden. My week is hectick enough with work and then coming home and playing with her, feeding her, cleaning the house and getting her to bed. It's just enought work for me right now, sometimes it's a little too much and something falls to the wayside, usually it's the cleaning! But I can't imagine having another baby and having to do all that I'm doing now plus another child! I don't know if I could handle it.

Plus, right now things are great. I work all week then I look forward to our "mommy and baby weekends" where it's just me and her! Daddy's there too, but he works most weekends, so a majority of the time it's just me and Hayden. We get up early (not really by choice on my part, Hayden is so used to getting up at the crack of dawn with me during the week, but I'm getting used to it!), we play for a little and then get dressed. No matter the weather, we pack up our bags and head out the door. I like to try to get in at least 1 or 2 walks during the day now that we are living in such a wonderful, family friendly area where we can go out walking or to the park. We'll head over to breakfast where it's just me and her enjoying a nice tasty treat together to start the day. Then we'll walk to the farmer's market, pick up food for the next couple of days and then do a little window shopping around Suburban Square or the shops that line Lancaster Ave. Then we head home and Hayden takes her morning nap. Usually that's my que to jump back into bed for a little nap of my own, or if I'm rejuevenated enough I'll start to clean up whatever mess didn't get cleaned up the night before.

Once Hayden is up from her nap, it's time to play again, then lunch, play some more, maybe go out again or go to grandma and grandpa's or just sit at home and watch a little TV together. Then another nap while I get a little me time and then dinner. After dinner, we play again then bath time and back to bed.

I love the individual attention that I am able to give her right now. I want to be able to share that with each of my kids (we're still debating on whether we will have 1 or 2 more, we'll see...) I don't want any of my children to ever feel like they just didn't get the attention they wanted or deserved from me.

In my family, I was the first born, then my parents for some strange reason decided to wait 8 YEARS to have another child. I don't know if I was just too much of a hand full (I wouldn't be surprised though!) or what other reason they had, but once they were ready to bring home #2, I was thrilled! Of course, I was 8 and my little sister was like my baby doll. I loved and cherished her. After that my parents had another baby every 2 years. So Becky, Bianca and Jeremy are all 2 years apart and there's anywhere from 8-12 years between them and me. I was more like a second mom to all of them. Now my sisters come to me with all of their questions about life and they truly respect my opinion.

Maybe 8 years is a bit extreme, but maybe 2 years is just not enought time! What's your thought?


  1. Yup I agree 2 years is not enough, I really do want to give all my kids the attention that they so much need and want and with another baby I would not be able to do that.

    Paola thank you for the one comment on my post you have made my day. I sometimes just feel like I really don't have someone to talk to that understands. You are such a sweet person. I wish that we lived close by.

  2. You do what you feel is right and what is right for your family! There really is no "standard" of when you should have kids! It will happen when it is supposed to and when you and Dan feel like it is right :)
