Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am thankful...

After reading H's blog, it really got me thinking about all the thing's that I'm thankful for in my life. First and foremost, my husband. He has been my pillar of strenght. Without his love and support, I don't know where I'd be. He has been working non stop to ensure that our family can be provided for. He wants only the best for me and will stop at nothing to make sure I'm happy. He loves me unconditionally, even at time when I feel I don't deserve to be loved.

I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter who day in and day out brings so much joy to my life. With just one little smile she brightens my day. I love that the first and last thing she says each day is "mom". She has changed my life in more ways that I could have ever imagined. It still amazes me how I can love someone so much.

I'm thankful for my mom and dad. They have been there for me and Dan every time we needed them. Without my mom and dad, I wouldn't be able to be working. They lovingly take care of Hayden while Dan and I are busy at work. And then when Dan and I need a little break or just need some quality time together, my parents are there to lend a hand and give us the much needed time to spend as husband and wife.

I'm thankful for the friends I have in my life, both old and new. Each person has effected my life in such a wonderful way. For a while I felt like I was alone because all of my closest friends were busy living their lives out west and I was the only one that stayed behind. But they have always been there when I needed them. I've made so many wonderful new friends over the past year and I've been able to count on them for help, support or just a shoulder to cry on.

I'm also thankful for my wonderful job. I work in such a great place! I know not many people can say that they truly LOVE their job, but I do! I have such great co-workers who have become great friends. I'm thankful for my boss, he is truly an amazing person. I'm thankful that he was willing to take a chance on me, someone who had a rocky background but lots of experience. It has turned out for the best for both of us.

I just want to say a special thanks to everyone who has touched my life. I love you all!

That song is so right! This is "the most wonderful time of the year!" I love that we are able to constantly be reminded of the things that are most important in our lives, the things and people that we are greatful for. We all have so much to be thankful for!

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