Thursday, December 3, 2009

Playing Catch Up!

Wow, I can't believe that November is over already! Time is just flying by way too fast for me to handle! Well, I guess I have a lot to catch up on for the last month! Where do I start?
Hayden will be 11 months tomorrow and I never gave any of the stats for her 10 months! Oops! Last month Hayden weighed in at 23.7 lbs! What a whopper! And she was 31" long! That's my baby!

She has spent the last month perfecting her walk! She is not officially mobile! Oh no! Guess I have to start moving everything to a higher shelf. She enjoys going through all the lower cabinets, especially the ones with the pans and lids! Isn't that every childs favorite? Here's a video of when she first started walking a few weeks back...

She's been doing this really funny fake laugh where she throws her head back! You'll just have to see it yourself, luckily I was able to get it on video!

As for our family, we are doing pretty good. We are almost fully settled in to our new place and we are happy as can be! Here are some pictures from November...

Oh, by the way... she's crawling up the stairs!
(she took a little spill yesterday, but thanks to daddy, who dove down the stairs head first, she only rolled down 3 stairs! Did I mention I LOVE my husband! Thanks for saving Hayden!)

Dan got a punching bag for us to box. Here's Hayden giving it a try!

On our way to have lunch at The Corner Bakery!

I just love this girl!!!

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