Friday, August 28, 2009

I need help!

I don't know what I'm doing wrong! For the past few months now, Hayden's sleep schedule has been changing so much. I know, that's normal. But she hasn't slept straight through the night in months now! She wakes up at least 2-3 time per night. Normally I can get her to go back to sleep without nursing her the first couple of times, but around 2 or 3 am she gets up and wants to nurse or else she just refuses to go back to bed. That's not all. Ever since she got the swine flu, she's been sleeping in my bed! She'll start off in her bed but eventually ends up in my bed at her "nursing" time (2 or 3 am). I know that's partially my fault because I have to get up between 5:30 and 6 am to get ready for work (I have to be out the door no later than 6:30 to drop Hayden off at my parent's and catch the train to be in the office by 7:30! aahhh!) So getting up and nursing her in her room and waiting for her to fall back asleep at 3 am is not an option!

I've tried to put her in her bed and let her cry it out, but she just gets herself so upset that she starts choking and she pushes herself into a corner of the crib and I'm scared she'll end up getting hurt. She freaks out the moment I put her down in her crib unless I wait until she is fully asleep to lay her down. I've been putting her in her crib more during the day when we're home to play so that she understands that her crib is not a bad place to be. She's getting a little better, but she still won't sleep through the night.

I need help! All you mommies out there that read my blog, please, I need your advice! I don't know what more to do.


  1. I don;t really know how to help, but Cal mostly slept in our bed until he was 5 months! and some mornings he still ends up in our bed. some doctors actually say its good to sleep with your baby, so if you are worried about her development or I dunno whatever, no need to worry she will grow out of it eventually!

  2. Thanks Heather, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this! I don't really mind her sleeping with me, by her doctor was shocked at the fact that we actually allow her to sleep in our bed. I enjoy having her in my bed. Since I don't get to see her as much as I would like to during the day since I'm at work, it's nice to be able to cuddle together at night.
