Monday, August 31, 2009


August has been fun! We went to the shore, had playdates at the zoo, and just goofed off as a family! I'm sad to see the summer come to an end, but there's so much to look forward to this fall! Hayden will be getting all dressed up for her first Halloween, then there's Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, her 1st birthday (oh my!). Not to mention all the fun hay rides and pumpkin patches to go through this fall. Time is really flying by!

We've had a great month and Hayden has grown tremendouly! She has started crawling (still going backwards, but she's learning), she's learning new words every day. The lastest has been "yay", "mama", "dada", "poppop", and the occasional "no". I don't think she knows the meaning of "no" yet, and I'm hoping she doesn't learn it for a long time, at least not directed towards us! She has been imitating everything that she sees, it's very funny! She has learned to pull herself up to a standing position and will walk if you hold her hands. She has even been a little adventurous and let go of whatever she is holding on to and take a step forward. It breaks my heart that she's growing up so fast, but it is exciting to see all the new things she is learning and to watch her grow into this little lady. That's what her daddy calls her, his little lady!

She has him completely wrapped around her little finger. I get up early in the morning to get ready for work. Usually Hayden will wake up with me and since I can't get ready with her wanting to play, I'll wake up Dan to have him watch her. Even though he is extremely tired from getting home so late from work, he still finds the energy to get up and play with her. Then when it's time to leave, he doesn't want her to go. He just wants to keep on playing and giving hugs and kisses! He is so in love with her, but who can blame him, she is just so darn cute!

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