Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Much Needed Girls Night

I got to have a much needed girls night last night with my friends! My dearest friend, Lindsey, is getting married next Saturday and we got together to help her with the final preps for the wedding. I know, girls night is supposed to be about having fun! Well, we did have a good time! We sat around sorting candy, eating candy (probably more than we should have!), eating the yummy treats that Lindsey so kindly whipped up for us! And sharing stories of the past years. Currently, I'm the only married one in the group, so for some reason that deems me the "go to" person for relationship problems and advice! I'm also the youngest in the group too, so it's a little strange sometimes giving advice to someone that is older than me! I don't know!

We exchanged stories of boyfriends past, encounters with the horrid "swine flu", and gave Lindsey our two cents about marriage. We're all so happy for Lindsey and Ed! They've been together for almost 4 years now and they are finally getting married! I've know Lindsey for about 3 years now and she's been talking about Ed proposing to her since then. Last September Ed finally proposed and we couldn't be more estatic! I'm looking forward to the wedding!

So last night was a blast! We should definitely do that more often (the getting together part, not the sorting out candy!) I don't think I want to see any more candy for a LONG time! Love you Linz! And thanks Sarah for babysitting! I don't know what I would do without you!

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