Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year - New Me!

So my New Year Resolution for 2010 is to change my lifestyle! I want to eat healthier and lose the excess weight! I want to get in shape and keep myself healthy! This has been my resolution for the past several years now, so what's different about this year? My one year old daughter!

I have found that I get tired faster now that she is fully mobile! Keeping up with her takes much more energy than I was used to! Plus, I want to be an example for her to be healthy and active! I want to be able to play with her!

There's also other things that really pushed me to make this change. I haven't been happy lately with the way I look. I know I put on some extra weight during my pregnancy but never really did enough to take it off after Hayden was born. I want to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see, and right now I'm not!

So I on Friday I started working out to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's a combination of high intensity cardio and strength training broken up into three different levels in 20 minute intervals. As of today, I am on day 4 level 1! I've been a little sore the past 3 days, but I feel great after completing each session! I've decided to start a new blog to keep track of my progress. As of right now, it's set to private, but if you want to follow along let me know!

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