Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy birthday to you...

Happy 1st Birthday Hayden!!!!

My little angel is now 1 years old!!! I still can't believe that a year ago today we were at the hospital in absolute amazement that this little child was ours! And now we are celebrating her birthday! It took every bit of strength I had this past weekend to not break down in tears. I was so emotional! My little girl has grown up so much over this past year. She's basically tripled in size, went from needing us to do everything for her to now walking and talking! She's such a big girl!

We had a very exciting "birthday weekend" starting with a birthday party with all her little friends at The Little Gym. Hayden has classes there every Saturday morning and just loves it! So I thought I'd go the "hassle free" route and have the gym host the party. What a great way to celebrate! We had an instructor (who was fantastic with the kids) and an assistant. They did all the setting up and cleaning up, so we had to do was show up with the kids and bring the cake. They played music and did different types of games and activities with the kids. Hayden spent most of the time either on the balance beam, running around screaming or on the whale ride (this big round wheel like thing pictured below) My friend, D, who's a photographer, took most of the pictures, so I was free to enjoy the party. here are some pictures that we took from the party:

Hayden wasn't too interested in smashing her "smash cake" and didn't want to touch it at all! I think it's because the icing was made with shortening and it just didn't feel right to her!

After the party, we invited the family to come back to our house to open gifts with Hayden. She loved everything she got! Thanks everyone for the awesome gifts! They will all be put to good use, promise!

On Sunday, we had my side of the family over for some hot chocolate, cookies and pizza rolls! It was a good time! Hayden loved drinking her chocolate milk and was much happier with the cupcakes that I got for her to eat! Unfortunately Dan was called in to work, so he missed Sunday's party. Everyone had a good time and Hayden loved every minute of it!

Monday was Hayden's actual birthday, so since Dan already had the day off, I decided I would also take the day off to celebrate with my little sweetheart! We got up early, ate breakfast in her new high chair, which she totally loves, ready some books (her favorite was the book the Bradbury's gave her with all the different farm animals) and watched some of her favorite morning TV shows on Disney! Dan had to run in to work for a quick meeting and then was home by noon. We got dressed and headed out to lunch at the Corner Bakery, our favorite place!

Then it was off to the Aquarium! Hayden loved all the tropical fish and the hippo! She wasn't too excited to see the sharks, but she did surprise me and her daddy. We were at the touch tank with the baby Bamboo sharks and Hayden actually reached down and touched one! I'm so proud of my adventurous little kiddo! What a champ!

The aquarium was a blast and then it was in to the city to pick up some yummy cheeses and meats from DiBruno Brothers for daddy to make some fresh homemade pizza's on the grill! Hayden got her own personal pizza before heading off to be (we ate a little later) and we sang happy birthday one last time. She loved her cupcake, but I think she liked daddy's pizza much better!

Looking back at the last year, my life has changed so much. I wouldn't give up one second with this little angel!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast the time goes. Where did the last year go? I can't believe she is walking, Hanna still refuses to do so. What a cutie! Too bad we missed the awesome party.
