Thursday, December 3, 2009

Zoo's are for Monkey's

We had to take Hayden to the hospital last Wednesday. We went to take a short nap together before I went bowling with my cousin. We were only asleep for 1/2 hour at the most and when we woke up, Hayden was running a high fever. I took her temperature and she was already over 103! I had to take her to the hospital right away. He doctor's office was closed for the holidays, so off we went to Bryn Mawr. Well, turns out she had an inner ear infection and that's what was causing the fever!

Thanksgiving was a little miserable for her, but she tried to make the best of it! I felt so bad that we couldn't take her to her Little Gym class on Friday as scheduled because I didn't want to get the other kids sick, so instead, Dan decided to take her to the zoo and hit all the inside exhibits!

Hayden LOVES the zoo, especially the monkey's! Our first stop was to see the exotic monkeys and night animals. Here we found the naked mole rats, they might be Hayden's new favorite animal!!!
Next we went to see the reptiles and turtles. Hayden was enthralled with the snakes. Great, now Dan want to buy a snake because "Hayden likes them". I don't think so! I couldn't get out of that exhibit fast enough!

On we went to see the gorillas, arangatangs and squirel monkeys (Hayden's favorite). The arangatangs just had a little baby and Hayden and I were able to get a close look before the mommy arangatang turned away to get some much needed "privacy". Sorry, we weren't fast enough to get pictures, but maybe next time! Next we went to the gorillas. They were just sitting around and Hayden didn't seem too interested as usual, so we decided that we would go to the squirel monkeys. One of the squirel monkeys kept on coming over to where we were standing to play with Hayden. The more she waved her arms around, the more this monkey would jump around and get excited! Maybe they're related? We do call her our "little monkey!"

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