Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let's Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all the blessing we have. I am thankful for so many things.
I'm thankful for...
  1. my family - Dan and Hayden are everything in the world to me. Without them I'm incomplete!
  2. hospitals and modern medicine - Hayden started running a high ever suddenly on Wednesday afternoon. Her doctor's office was already closed for the holiday weekend, so I rushed her over to our local hospital. We were there for a while, but thanks to the caring doctors and nurses, Hayden and I were very comfortable while we wanted. Plus the doctors found out what was troubling my little muchkin and gave her medicine to make her better.
  3. my parents - they are always there when I need them.
  4. my siblings - no matter how much I fight with them, I love them to pieces!

My cousins came in from out of town. They aren't really my cousins, but I've grown up with them and they are family to me! Here's our Thanksgiving.

Rachel & Alysa

Laura & Jeremy

The Roasted Pig! (So yummy!)

Tio Egardo, Tio Eric & Gladys

My dad & Hayden

My apple pie (recipe on

The "kids" playing games

Cooking dinner

My turkey came out perfect!

Tio Egardo, Tio Eric & my dad

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