Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6 Month Check Up

I can't believe my little baby is already going to be 6 months. She's growing up so fast! I still remember the day we brought her home and no she's 1/2 a year old! Time really does fly.

So we took her to her 6 month appointment (she actually turns 6 months this coming Saturday) and the doctor was shocked by her overall development. The last time he saw her she was still laying on her back and not able to roll over yet. She could barely life herself up on her hands when on her tummy. Now, she's not only mastered rolling over onto her belly, but she is attempting to roll back onto her back. She sits with no support and reaches out for toys. She's learned to switch toys from one hand to the other and if you put a toy far enough away from her when she's on her belly, she will push herself along with her legs to reach the toy. She'll be crawling in no time!

Hayden is now weighing in at 19lbs 7 oz and is 27 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for height and 95th percentile for weight. She's a BIG girl!

Dan and I were cracking up at her while the doctor was checking her out. While the nurse was in there, she was all smiles. The moment her doctor walked in the room, her lip curled out and she started with the wimpering. It slowly turned into an all out tearfest! I guess she associates the doctor with the shots since every time she sees him she gets a shot! Poor thing! But the doctor doesn't do the shots, the nurse does. Well, the doctor left the room and it was like day and night. The moment he closed the door to the room, her tears stopped and she was as happy as could be again! Silly girl! She did do very well with her shots. She only cried after the second one and was able to be soothed fairly easily.

After the doctor's visit we went over to Toys R Us to pick out an after shot present for her. We decided it would be nice for us to get our kid(s) a toy after getting a shot as a little reward. We picked out a nice little zoo set for her since she loves animals, then when going to the check out line we saw this woman carrying a large bag full of plastic balls that you find in those ball pits at Chuck E Cheez. Well, we both looked at each other, put her toy back and went straight for the isle with the balls.

When we got home we set up her little frog pool (by the way... we got her this really cute frog pool last week because it was just so stinking hot! She loves it! She's definitely a water baby, it's just a shame we don't have any pools near by, so we got her a little inflatable one instead). So we set up her pool and rather than filling it up with water, we filled it up with the balls. She had the time of her life playing in there! She was in there for a good hour before we had to take her out to get ready to go to her nana and poppop's.

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