Thursday, June 18, 2009

Catching up

So it's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote and so much has happened, I don't even think I can remember it all. I'll try my best to remember as much as I can...

So Hayden is able to sit on her own! It's a whole new world for her now. She doesn't really like to be on her back or tummy too long because she wants to sit down. She's realized that in the sitting position, she can more easily get to all her toys and there's a much better view of the TV from this angle as well! She's still not crawling, but I'm sure that will happen eventually. I'm in no rush to have her mobile! At least right now I can put her down for a minute and walk away and know that she will be in the same general vacinity when I return. She loves to play in her saucer and is now much more capable of spinning herself around in it. We have a really cute Baby Einstein saucer with lots of great toys all around it. Well, I'll put her in so that she is facing the TV (she likes to watch Little Einstein's, My Friends Tigger and Pooh, or Handy Manny) and she'll play for a while, then she'll find something on the opposite side then where she's facing and completely spin herself until she is where she wants to be! It's pretty cute. Or she'll be watching TV and I'm sitting on the couch behind her and she'll look back at me and turn to be able to see me better.

She's growing up so fast and her personality is developing more and more each day. She's the happiest baby! From the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep she just seems to have this never ending smile pastered to her face. She loves to laugh and just about anything you do will get her giggling. If you don't mind making a complete fool out of yourself you'll hear the cutest belly laugh!

I think she's discovering different noise ranges. Now she'll let out a little screech and I'll do it back to her, then she tries to do it louder, and it just goes on and on. She thinks this is absolutely hilarious!

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