Thursday, May 28, 2009

Poor baby

My poor baby... she has eczema! The past few weeks, she's had these little bumps all over her face. At first I thought it was just baby acne, but when it started getting redder and spreading to her shoulders, I thought it was time to have her checked out by the doctor. She had started on solid foods almost a month ago and this also started just about the same time. I wasn't sure if she was having a reaction to solid foods or what! So yesterday I called her pediatrician and set up an appointment. I was up bright and early with her, got her fed and read to go. She slept the entire drive over to the pediatrician's and woke up to the movie, Aladdin, which was playing at the doctor's office. I thought she would start crying right away, but she happily stayed in her car seat and watched the movie while we waited. About a month ago she wouldn't have even considered that. But now I can see that she is growing up!

So we went in to see the doctor. She was too cute! She was all smiles with the me and the nurse but the moment the doctor walked in, she curled out her bottom lip and looked like she was getting the crocodile tears ready! It was adorable and so sad at the same time! I guess she remembered him from her last visit when she got all her vaccines! The doctor knew right away what the problem was. No food allergies, thank goodness! She was just cursed with mommy's bad skin! Oh well, it could be worse right? The doctor gave me a prescription for some mild steroid (which I hopefully don't have to give to her unless it somehow gets worse!) that comes in a cream form to put on her face. For now, I just can't use anything with a fragrance (did you hear that mom, no more baby perfume!!!!) until she gets older and her skin is more adapt to the environment.

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