Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Talk

We spent Memorial Day weekend just lounging around the house. It was a much needed break from the usually chaotic weekends that we've been having lately! I was so happy to just have a couple of days to hang out with my little sweetheart! And I'm so glad I did!!! She said her first word, "mama"!!! And the best part was I was the first one to witness it! FINALLY! I got to be there and experience a first milestone for Hayden. I'm not sure if "mama" was directed at me... she was looking at me when she said it, but who knows?

She continues to say "mama" from time to time, but sometimes she's playing with her favorite Tigger toy and sometimes she's just laying around making all kinds of noises. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Since I got done work early on Friday and Dan didn't have to be at work until 4, we decided to take Hayden to the zoo. She loved her first trip so we wanted to take her again. Well, things didn't exactly work out the way we planned... so we went out to lunch instead. We parked our car by some horse stable and after lunch we found that one of the horses was out by the fence, so we took Hayden over to see it. She was pretty amazed at the size of this creature that was in front of her! It was really cool seeing her eyes light up at the sight of the horse!

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