Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've Moved!

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've written on this blog.  What's the reasoning behind that?  Well, I've been working hard on getting my new blog up and running.  I'm sure most of you have heard me mention MommyTLC a bunch of times, well it's now up the way I wanted it to be.  It looks great and I'm so proud of what I've been able to put together.  It went from just being a little blog where I would post my opinion about certain products to a full blown website.  I wasn't thrilled with the website approach, felt too cold for the type of site I wanted it to be.  I wanted interaction, I wanted a place to connect, network.  So I decided to take a different approach and put together my own social network.  Took a while to get it together, but now it's done.  I have a few members already, but I miss hearing from all my friends!  Please, check it out and show your support!  You've all been so awesome in helping me get things together when I've asked and I truely appreciate all your help in the past!  I hope you become members of the network and would love to hear from you soon!

Check out MommyTLC and let me know what you think!

Love you all!

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