Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Update

I can't believe we are half way through January already! Not too much has really happened this month. We celebrated Hayden's first birthday, a very special milestone in our lives! Other than that, we've basically been laying low this past month. I've started a new workout routine that I'm happy to say, I've been sticking to pretty well! I've had a couple of off days where I haven't really had the time to work out, but not really that many. For the most part, I've been consistent with working out at least 20 minutes each day. I did however manage to do something to my knee! For the past few days I've had this pain in the back of my knee that has been getting progressively worse day by day. Shouldn't it be getting better? I've been working out even with my knee hurting, so I've decided to take a little break and let my knee heal a little before I start up again.

Good news for the month, Dan's work schedule has changed slightly and we are pretty positive that he will have Sunday's off, well, at least until the summer starts. That works for me! I'm happy to have him home on Sundays!

After a few months of putting our "alone" time on hold due to all the holiday celebrations and time we wanted to spend as a family, we have now gotten back to our weekly date night. The past 2 weeks we've been making a special effort to make time to go out once a week and spend some quality adult time together while Hayden is at home with either my family or Dan's family. It's so great having family close by, I don't think either of us is ready to leave Hayden with some teenager yet!

This past weekend was extra special and fun! I went and got my hair straightened (yay! no more crazy hair that takes hours to fix, now it's just shower, blowdry and go!) then met up with some girlfriends (Linz, Les, and Donna) at Glenmorgan Restaurant for some lunch and catching up. It's been months since I've been able to get together with these lovely ladies! It was so great being able to catch up with them! Then Sunday we went to church and got to be there when my brother was set apart as the Deacon's president. Then Monday was Martin Luther King day so I had off from work. Dan went up to the mountain to do some snowboarding and Hayden and I were off to lunch with Danica and her kids, Carson & Cami, and Katie and her daughter, Ada. What a fun time! I enjoyed getting to know Danica and Katie better. I am sad to say that Danica and her family will be moving soon, so hopefully we can get together a few more times before they leave! They are such a great family, I'm so happy we met and am so sad to see them go!

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