Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Parties Galore!

What a weekend! It think I've had my share of Christmas parties this year, but no, there's still more to come! From Friday to Sunday, I had one party after another to go to!
It all started at the Philly 1st Crhistmas party (not my home ward, Philly 4th, but my parent's ward). My ward's Christmas party was on Saturday, but I had another committment, so I went with my parents' to their ward party and we had a blast! I got to see some friends from the old "Broomall 1st" ward and Hayden saw some of her friends too! It was a really fun night. Here are some pictures of Hayden being her loving self! She's been extra loving lately wanting to give everyone hugs and kisses all the time. Here she is hugging her friends, which she hasn't seen in about a month or so...

Hayden simply loves her friends! She's just such a loving baby!

Hayden & Caroline! Caroline was a little tired and wanted nothing with Hayden's hugs! That's ok Caroline, Hayden still loves you!

She took these antlers from Caroline's stroller since Caroline didn't want to wear them!

I think her favorite part about the party besides eating cake was this balloon.

Our little Yaya! It was so cold and we left her hat at home (I know, I'm a bad mommy!) so here she is wrapped up in my scarf with grandma!

Saturday we went to our Little Gym class as usual, then lunch with dad and then I had to get ready super quick to go to my boss' house for his Christmas party. It was just a few people from work that report directly to my boss and their spouses. I work with a great group of people. The party was only supposed to be from 5:30 - 8ish, but we were there till about 10! I was the first to leave since I had to catch the last train back home or else I would have been spending the night! Dan unfortunatly had to work and couldn't get the night off, so I was on my own. I had a great time even though he wasn't there (I did wish that he could come, but work has to come first!) Hopefully next year Dan will be able to make it!

I had completely forgotten that Dan and I were invited by one of the customers at the restaurant to come to his Christmas party, so Sunday morning while I was getting Hayden her lunch and Dan was getting ready to go to work, he reminded me to make sure I had someone to watch Hayden that night. I asked him, "Why? Are we going somewhere?" He quickly reminded me that we had the Christmas party that we "have to at least make an apperance at!" Great! I was so looking forward to just relaxing Sunday night, but no we had to go to this party. It would be an insult to these people if we didn't show. So Sunday night I got myself ready and dropped Hayden off with my parents. The party was... well, to put it lightly... interesting! It was definitely an interesting croud of people. I'm just glad that we were only there for about an hour, then we both looked at each other and made a quick escape!

So that was our weekend! This coming week will be just as rough! I have my work Holiday party on Thursday, my dear friend L's cookie exchange the same night that I have to attend, my own Christmas Recipe Swap Friday, a Last Minute Shopping party (where I'll be displaying my jewelry if anyone is interesting in come!) as well as our usual weekend chaos! I hope I survive the week! Wish me luck!

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