Monday, September 14, 2009

One Step Closer to a Clean House!

I've been struggling to keep my home nice and tidy lately. My biggest problem is that we currently only have one (working) car and my hubby uses it to get to and from work. Our hours and so different, I work mornings in the city at a very prestigious law firm and he works evenings/nights at a terrific restaurant (that's 20 minutes from our house...). Anyways... I am currently using my little sister's car to drive my 8 month old daughter to my parent's house, pick up my mom, have her drop me off at the train station and then she has my daughter and the car until I get home from work. I feel bad that I have to take my sister's car every day. She is 17 and I know she wants to be able to go out with her friends and stuff, so when I get home, I don't want to leave right away. I try to give her time to be able to go out for a while before I have to take the car again. Thankfully, this will all be ending soon since we are moving much closer to my parents/my hubby's work/train station in 2 weeks and 3 days!!! (can you tell I'm excited!)

Well, because of my current prodicament, by the time I usually get home it's already close to 10 or 11 at night and I have to be getting up around 5 am to get out of the house in time for work, so it's quite easy to say that I don't have as much time as I'd like to clean. It's been about a month since I've been able to give our apartment a proper cleaning and the work load is just piling up!

My goal for the past week has been to catch up on my laundry and start to pack up any clothes that we aren't using/going to use in the next 2 weeks. I'm about 70% done and I'm so proud!!! About 90% of my laundry has been washed and folded. Now I need to get the last 2 loads done (this includes my daughter's clothes that she has outgrown that I need to store away for the next baby, whenever that may come...) and start going through what's staying out and what's getting packed away!

Operation Organization Challenge: Week 5 Victories!

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