Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend 2009

What an eventful weekend! Thankfully I got out of work at noon on Friday, because I had a fun filled weekend ahead of me! We started off the weekend by going to Hayden's 8 month doctor's appointment. Everything went well and even with getting 2 shots (that we totally were not expecting, so I didn't give her any tylenol beforehand!) Hayden was a happy cookie and we decided to go out to lunch/dinner before Dan headed in to work.

We then went to visit Nana and Poppop's (Dan's parent's) house for a visit and to celebrate Poppop's birthday! Hayden got a little cranky while Poppop was opening presents, but that quickly changed when Nana brought out the ice cream cake (I cheat, I give Hayden ice cream every so often, not much, just a little here and there!) She loved the cake and was her happy little self thereafter!

Saturday was my dear dear friend Lindsey's wedding! I've been looking forward to this night ALL summer long and finally it was here! But I had no dress to wear! I did find a beautiful dress just before the wedding, literally on Saturday morning! The ceremony was beautiful and Lindsey made the most beautiful bride I've ever seen! She was simply stunning! (I love you Linz and Ed!!!) The the celebration started! I danced like I never danced before, really! I never dance! But for Lindsey and Ed, I was willing to make an exception! The night was a blast!

Sunday was just a nice relaxing day, I needed that after a night of PARTYING! We eventually made it over to my parent's house where I met up with my best friend Liz who was in town visiting her family for the holiday weekend! I hadn't seen her since February when we went out to Utah to visit family and friends after Hayden was born. She has since then moved to Virginia because her husband was offered a position to work at one of their universities! Yay!! That means instead my best friend being a 5-6 hour flight away, she is now just a 5-6 hour drive away! I can deal with that! It's definitely cheaper to drive down to Virginia then it is to fly to Utah!

We concluded the long holiday weekend with a lovely "family day" on Monday. Dan and I both had the day off, so we took Hayden to the zoo to visit all her animal friends (she loves the zoo) then we took a nice drive out to Limerick to the outlets! Discount shopping, you can't go wrong with that! They were having their Labor Day sidewalk sale and we made out BIG getting Hayden some much needed fall/winter clothes. It's been getting a bit nippy out this past week, and all we had were summer clothes, so this was a much needed shopping trip. By the time we got home (which was just after 7) we were exhausted! We played with Hayden for about and hour, then I went to put her to sleep. By the time I finished nursing her and getting her in bed, Dan was passed out on the couch! Zoo pictures to follow!

All in all, it was a great weekend!

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