Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hayden is 7 Months!

Ah, my baby is growing up so fast! I can't believe that 7 months ago we brought her into this world! Unbelievable! She seems so grown up already and I still have a hard time believing that she is mine! She is just so remarkable, I'm just floored by everything she does! This past months has been rocky and she just seemed to handle everything that was thrown at her with such ease. She completely blows me away!

We started last month on a horrible down turn with Hayden being infected by the Swine Flu. As my brother-in-law, John, keeps saying, "she kicked the swine flu's ass!" She was a real trooper, never letting the swine flu effect her. Even though she was sick, she continued to be her cheerful self. The only real difference was that she wanted more cuddling time than usual.

The rest of the month was pretty good. Hayden had her first swim in the Babbel's pool at the Relief Society pool party hosted every year at Mary Jane Babbel's house. The water was a little cold, but that didn't stop Hayden from having the time of her life swimming! She's a natural water baby! I didn't have to instruct her on anything, well, except not to drink the pool water! She instictively knew how to make herself float and to kick her feet. I have a feeling she'll be swimming by the end of next summer!

We took Hayden to her first ball game in July. She usually watches the Phillies on TV with her dad and she is completely hypnotized by Sports Center (strange, I know!) so going to the ball game was just up her alley! She loved every minute of it. Nana and Poppop came with us and we got to cheer on the Phillies as they beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 5-2! Hayden really enjoyed hearing the croud cheer. The more they cheered, the more excited she got and she would wave her arms in the air and bounce up and down. It was so much fun watching her cheer along for her team!

Then there was our family trip to Wildwood, NJ. Hayden's first trip down the shore was... interesting to say the least! The day started off nice, a little cloudy, but not too bad. By the time we made it down to Wildwood, which was almost a 2 hour drive, it had become much more cloudy and started to drizzle. By the time we made it onto the boardwalk, it did stop raining and we were able to enjoy a little time on the beach. Hayden loved playing in the sand and even helped herself to a couple of handfuls of tasty Wildwood sand! She helped her daddy dig out a baby sized hole and allowed her daddy to put her in the hole. She seemed to like it because she then proceeded to pull the sand down around her to cover her little feet! It was so awesome watching her play! The people on the beach were so amuzed by her curiousity and interest in the sand.

We did eventually make it down to the water. I don't know what she enjoyed more, being in the pool or the ocean, but I can tell you, she had a blast! She was a little hesitant at first, but once that first wave hit her feet, she was hooked! Hayden wanted to go deeper and deeper into the water. At one point, she was in the water waist high. That was a big deal for me since the waves were pretty big since a storm was coming in! She handled that like a pro! She would watch the waves coming in and sit down just in time to get splashed. When she saw a wave that was too big, she would get up right away and let it just hit her legs. It was too cute!

After some fun in the water, we made our way back to our extra large beach towel and continued to take tons of pictures! The weather took a turn for the worst and we were forced to hurry off the beach before the storm came in. We almost made it off the boardwalk when it started to pour. Unfortunately we didn't make it to our car in time and were forced to wait it out under the boardwalk. I know they were calling for scattered showers and a possible thunder storm that day, but that was no "scattered ANYTHING!" It was a MONSOON! Oh well, we all had a good time while it lasted and enjoyed spending a day as a family!

She has just grown up so much this past month. She is desperately trying to crawl, but it seems she has a little too much weight to pull around, so the whole crawling concept is a little difficult for her. Instead she just scoots herself around on her butt. It's adorable to watch! We'll see if she ever crawls or if she'll go from scooting to walking. She seems to be much more interested in walking anyways! She's gotten down waving "goodbye" and telling people to "come here" with her little hand gestures. She lets you know when she's hungry by saying "mmm" which means "give me food".

All in all, they month was pretty exciting.
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