Friday, August 21, 2009

Coming to terms...

I don't know what came over me last night. I was going through our pictures on the computer and organizing them to put together a scrapbook of our family and it just hit me like a ton of bricks! I had no control, I was just so overtaken with emotions. My baby is growing up so fast! I know, this is nothing new! I've been saying it every day practically since she was born, but I guess it really hit me yesterday. Looking back at all the pictures from the time that she was first born, she's grown so much. I miss being able to just cuddle with her and holding her tiny hands in mine. But what really got me were the videos. I was watching the videos of when we first brought her home and the first time she played on her floor mat. I didn't think I would get this emotional.
Dan came home last night from a long day at work to find me in front of the computer in tears. He had no idea what was going on! He asked me what happened, and I told him "she's just growing up too fast!" He just held me and reminded me of all the fun we've had these past 7 months with her, the nine months before that anticipating her arrival, and the five years before that when we planned and dreamed of having our first baby. Then he reminded me of all the plans that we have for the future, the wonderful experiences we want to share with Hayden and our future plans of having more children.

I just have to say to my loving husband, thank you! Thank you for being there and holding me while I cried. I needed you to just be there for me and you were. I love you so much! I don't know what I would do without you! I know I nag a lot! (and I mean A LOT!) But no matter what, you're always there for me when I need you. You're my pilar of strenght, you keep me focused. And most importantly, you love me unconditionally. Thank you for everything!

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