Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 Months Old!

So we took Hayden to the doctor's yesterday for her 4 month check up and vaccinations. She weighed in at 18 lbs and 26 inches long. She is in the 97th percentile in weight, 91st percentile in height and is just a chunk of a baby! She amazes me every time!
She has been holding her head up really well since she was first born, but now she has more control over it. She can turn her head on her own to look around. She holds herself up on her hands when she is on her tummy (we found that out yesterday at the doctor's office). If you hold her up, she loves to stand and dance around. She wiggles her hips from side to side doing a little hula dance! And to top things off, she's about to roll over!!! I can't believe how much she has progressed since she was born!

She loves to play with her toys, especially the soft ones. She doesn't really seem that interested in the hard toys as much, except for the ones on her Baby Einstein play mat. They will entertain her for hours on end! Everything has to go in her mouth right now! She's starting to teeth, which has been exciting but also nerve wrecking for me! I'll have to teach her not to bit!!!

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