Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From the day we brought her home...

Life has changed so much from the moment that we brought home our little girl. It's unbelievable how much love you can feel for someone you've never met before. From the instant I saw her, I was overwhelmed with love, excitement, fear, joy! It was like a rush of emotions came over me and I just didn't know what to do with myself. I couldn't imagine my life without her now. It seems like my life has more purpose now that she is here. I go to work every morning not just so I can pay the bills and have money to be able to go out shopping or go to dinner. I go to try to make a better life for my daughter. To be able to give her anything and everything that she could ever need and want. I want to give her the world, no limits! It's amazing the unconditional love that a parent feels for a child.

I still remember the first day she came home from the hospital, getting her all dressed up and ready to go. I was so terrified, but I didn't want Dan to know how truely scared I was. I didn't know if I could handle taking care of this child. What would I do without the nurses to call on for help? Could I actually do this, take care of this little person, be responsible for her needs and keep her alive? As the days went on, I began to feel more and more comfortable. Everything started to become second nature. I was surprised to find that I was able to pick up on what she needed from me.

Time seems to be flying by now! I can't believe that in a blink of an eye, 4 1/2 months have gone by. In 2 more weeks Hayden will be five months old! She's changed so much over such a short period of time. I keep asking her, "what happened to my little baby?" She still is my little baby, she always will be. She has just grown so much and has developed so fast that I feel like the time is just slipping away from me. I want to remember these precious moments.

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