Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Don't forget bunny!

So Hayden hates being in her car seat! I don't know what it is about the car seat that she doesn't like. Most babies that I see don't mind their car seat. Not my daughter. She will cry from the moment you put her in. The only time she's been happy, or at least not crying or screaming her head off is when we're in the car, but daddy don't you dare stop the car!!! The moment you tap on the breaks and the car begins to slow down, I can hear her preparing herself for that first screech!!!

Then about a month ago I was at Babies R Us with my parents just getting some things that Hayden needed. My dad, being a first time grandfather, couldn't help but buy something special for his first granddaughter. After wandering around the store for some time, he picked out a cute little outfit with matching bandanna. On his way up to the cash register, he spotted this little pink blankie with the head and arms of a bunny. He playfully showed it to Hayden and she was hooked! That bunny's head didn't stand a chance! It went straight into her mouth! I didn't even have time to react! All I could do was laugh at my dad because he had no choice but to buy it for her. I mean, who would put a toy back after their child sticks it in their mouth??? That's just wrong. Plus, apparently she likes it enough to want it in her mouth, right? Absolutely!

I didn't know then, but that little bunny blankie was my saving grace!!! We put her back in her car seat and gave her the bunny to play with. We didn't hear a peep from her the entire ride home. At first I didn't think much of it. She usually plays with her new toys for the first hour or so then completely forgets or just doesn't care about them anymore. The next morning, when I put her in her car seat to go to my parents house, I gave her the bunny to play with. By the time we got to my parent's house, she was passed out with her bunny tucked under her arm and the head resting against her head. This started to become a pattern. If she had her bunny with her in the car she didn't cry, she would play with it until she gets tired and then she would tuck it under her arm and use the head as her pillow. It's become her security blanket. Finally!!! Peace and quiet in the car!!! I love to listen to her shake the rattle in the blankie and talk to her bunny!

Let's just say, I don't go anywhere without bunny anymore!!!

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