Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Date Night

Last night was date night for us. We usually go to Tria or Bar Ferdinand. Don't get me wrong, I love those places, but I needed something new...

We decided on Tinto, Jose Garcia's restaurant on 20th and Sansom St. For all of you who are unfamiliar with Jose Garcia, don't worry. I didn't know who he was either for some time. I had been to his restaurant, Amada, several times and loved it! But it wasn't until he battled Iron Chef Bobby Flay that I really learned about Jose Garcia! Dan and I are huge fans of Iron Chef America on the Food Network Channel. Basically anything that has to do with food, we'll watch. We love Mario Batali and have been to several of his restaurants across the country! We're big foodies!! That's beside the point right now... So last night we decided to try out Tinto! It was fantastic! I loved every single thing that we got! I couldn't stop eating, everything was just so good! If anyone is looking for a nice, relaxing, romantic place to go to dinner, this is it! And it's not too expensive either! I can't wait to go back. This might just be our new "it place"!

I love spending time with my little one, but some alone time for mommy and daddy is greatly needed! I'm so glad we take the time to go out every week just the two of us. I didn't realize how much a strain a baby can put a relationship through. I always thought that things would change a little but for the most part things would continue to be the same... WRONG!!! Things have definitely changed. I can't stay up past 10:00 pm without ending up passed out on the couch! So seeing my hubby when he gets home from work is out of the picture. He gets home so late since he closes the restaurant most nights. Then I'm up at the crack of dawn with the baby and getting myself ready for work. We basically only see each other breifly throughout the day when I get up and hand the baby off to him so I can get myself dressed, or in the afternoon when he hands the baby off to me so he can go to work... Then there's the occasional visit to the restaurant to daddy can show off his beautiful daughter and her new outfit of the day to all the restaurant employees and patrons! (It's funny how people sitting at the bar will put down their drinks and focus all of their attention on her! She is so stinking cute! I know that I'm her mom and of course I'm going to think she's adorable, but you gotta admit, she is a pretty cute baby!!!) So that doesn't really leave much time for me and Dan during the week. And then there's weekends. Weekends aren't so bad. If he's not working the lunch shift at the restaurant we get to have lunch together, YAY! But if he works the lunch shift then I don't see him until 10 or 11 at night when he gets home but then I'm only able to stay up MAYBE another hour and I'm out!!! Sunday nights are our nights together typically.

Summer is right around the corner so that means that they are going to be short handed at the restaurant since Sole will be opening down the shore (that's the other restaurant that's only open during the summer). This means a new schedule for Dan. We'll see how things goes. Hopefully it will mean more time together, but I have my doubts about that!!!

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