Thursday, April 30, 2009

First time user

Ok, so I'm totally new to blogging and I'm not really sure what I'm doing! I thought I'd try something new so we'll see...

I guess this will be a good way to keep family and friends posted on what's new with the Deininger's!

This year has been life changing for us! We've had a new addition to the family. Hayden Madison Deininger was born on January 4th at 4:13 am weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz! (2 weeks early, might I add!) What a long awaited moment! I had gone to the hospital 4 times in one week before she decided to join us! It had been a long week and even longer night since my contractions started at about 7 pm!

Since she was born, our life has changed in so many ways! It's true what they say, your relationship as husband and wife definitely changes after a child enters the picture! We still love each other deeply, but it's been more work... I guess that's the best way to explain it. It seems like we both need to put in that extra bit of effort. Our time together has been limited, especially during the week. We mostly see each other while we are handing off the baby to each other in the afternoon.

As for sleeping, nights have been pretty good, I can't complain. She's a great sleeper! But she's a morning person and let's just say I'm NOT! But she is slowly turning me into a morning person. Hayden doesn't really cry when we wakes up like most babies, she just makes some little noises and then when you go to pick her up she greets you with the biggest smile! I love it!

I was so fortunate to have two months off at work and we made the best of it by taking a short vacation to Utah! We went to visit family and some friends and introduced them to Hayden!

4 months have flown by! Hayden will be 4 months old on May 4th and she's a little monster! She looks like she should be around 9-10 months old! She takes after her father, not me! We took her to the zoo for the first time this past Monday and she had a blast! The monkeys were definitely her favorite! I guess all the movement really kept her attention. I'm looking forward to more zoo trips, visits to the aquarium, beach, etc! Life with a baby has been different, but well worth it!

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