Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"There's NEVER enough time!"

I recently received an email from a friend that has stuck with me the past couple of days.  In this email she talked about how the weekend has flown by.  I'm sure we all feel like that from time to time, some more than others.  This line really stuck out to me.
"The reality of it is that we all get a 'check' for 24 hours a day and [we] MUST spend it.  There's no saving." -Heidi Hurd CEO Mom of Inspired CEO Moms
It really is like that.  Each day we are given a "check" for 24 hours and what we decide to do with that time is up to us.  There's no saving a couple hours here or there to use on a "rainy day".  It's a "use it or lose it" type deal.  Part of my New Years Resolution was to make more quality time with my family, my husband and some time for me.  Basically, I want to make the most of my TIME!  It's all about prioritizing.  Do those dishes really need to be done this instant or can they wait until after bedtime so I can sit and do a few art projects with Hayden?  Instead of doing laundry and vacuuming, maybe use that free time while I wait for the laundry to sit down and read a good book?

I find myself saying these two phrases over and over like a broken record, "There's never enough time" and "She's growing so fast!"  To me, there two go hand in hand.  Since I spend half my day at work, I feel like I miss out on half of Hayden's life.  Half of her day she spends with her grandparents and I constantly get calls say "you wouldn't believe what she just did/said!"  She's growing up before my eyes and there's nothing I can do to stop it.  I would love to freeze time and keep her my little girl forever, especially in those random moments when she'll run across the room, throw both arms around my neck and in the sweetest voice I've ever heard say "I wove you mom!"  I feel like I don't have enough time in a day to satisfy my desire to be with her, to watch her grow, to see the new things she's discovering each day.  I don't have the luxury right now to stay at home and be with her as much as I want.  My family needs me to work, they rely on me working.  So what I can do is make the most of the time we are together.  Those precious hours between me getting home and her going to bed, those hours can be lived up to the fullest.  I can put off clean until after bedtime so I can focus my attention on that little girl who is growing up much too fast.

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