Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Finally, after how many years we finally got a GOOD amount of snow in Philadelphia! YAY!!!

My neighborhood got 22 inches of snow and I was in HEAVEN!!! I love the snow and constantly laugh at how crazy everyone gets around here whenever they predict any precipitation! It's like they think that all the bread and milk will run out and they'll never be able to eat again! I had to go food shopping of Friday anyways and once I got to the super market, it was a complete frenzy! You couldn't walk through the isles there were so many people! And the lines... Let's just say I didn't get out of there right away!

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to find that everything was covered in snow! Hurray! I brought Hayden to the window to see the snow and she just started flapping her arms like crazy, it's something she does every time she gets excited about something. My original plan was to have Hayden go down for a nap around 8 and then get her up and ready to go to her gym class at 9, then come home watch the snow and maybe some cartoons, then wake up daddy and go out to lunch. Well, I put Hayden down for her nap at 8 and I though I'd take a little cat nap too... 3 1/2 hours later we both woke up! I guess we were both more tired then I had expected, so we missed her gym class, but I don't think I would have wanted to drive in the snow. Too many crazy people out there on the road that don't know how to drive in the snow, I didn't really want to take my chances with them! So then we watched and episode of Handy Manny (one of Hayden's favorite TV shows) and woke dad by jumping on the bed.

We decided to venture out in the snow to get some lunch. I'm so glad we did. It was beautiful outside! I love seeing everything was covered in snow. It seems like everything is just so peaceful when it snows!

Here are some pictures we took on our way out to lunch. I think we were the only people who decided to go out in the snow! We had the entire restaurant to ourselves basically and the whole parking lot too! Only time we've ever had our choice of parking spots in Suburban Square!

After we got home from lunch, Dan had to go in to work. What crazy people decide to open their restaurant during a blizzard? Can someone answer that for me? Well, my husband's boss' did, so Dan had to drive in to work just so that 12 people could come an eat dinner! 12 people! It cost them more to pay their staff then the amount they profited from staying open! Oh well, enough ranting, it'll get me nowhere! So after Dan left for work, Hayden and I went outside once more to play in the snow! I love our little patio! It's just perfect for us to enjoy with very little maintenance! Hayden was a little hesitant at first but then fell in love with the snow. She couldn't get enought. She took a big face plant into the snow at one point (pictured above) and I thought she would be done after that! But no, my darling snow bunny wanted more. She just shook the snow off her face and continued to giggle and play. She even started crying when I took her in because her little face was all red from the cold.

We got out presents all wrapped up and under the tree. Hayden loves to go and pick up the presents. She doesn't open them, she just wants to look and then give them to me or daddy. She's such a sweet kid! Here are some pictures of her playing with the presents and the remote after playing out in the snow!
I hope we get plenty more snow days this year. We'll have to pick up a comfy snow suit for Hayden so she doesn't freeze her little tush next time we go out to play! Well, until next time!

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