Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Panic Attack!

I just about lost my mind yesterday! Dan and I went shopping for Hayden's Christmas present (with Hayden... what? she's not going to remember by Christmas what we got her anywasy!) and got her a new front facing car seat. She has quickly outgrown her old baby seat and is not ready for a "big girl" seat! My little one is growing up so fast! That's not what sent me in panic mode...

So we get to the car and I start making room in the trunk to put the massive box. We realize the box is going to be too big to put in to our little Subaru hatchback, so we were going to have to take the car seat out of the box. Then Dan decided that he wanted to give Hayden her present early. He felt bad having to put her back into a car seat the she just wasn't comfortable in anymore. I don't blame him, she can't really move, the seatbelt is too tight and she's just too darn big for it now! So after bickering about it in the Babies R Us parking lot for a few minutes, I gave in and we started to rearrange everything in the car again. We got the car all packed up and ready to go and headed back home.

Well, we forgot one thing in the shopping cart... MY DIAPER BAG!!! It's not just any diaper bag. Dan bought this bag especially for Hayden. It's a beautiful Coach diaper bag! Plus, it had my whole life in it! My iPhone with thousands of Hayden's baby pictures and all my contacts, my wallet with my drivers lisence, debit card, insurance card, etc, my digital camera, my keys... I didn't know what to do with myself! Of course we didn't realize this until we got home and I couldn't find my bag anywhere in the car.

So I ran inside and called the store right away, but they had no luck finding the bag in any of the shopping carts inside or outside! So I began calling my bank to cancel my card ASAP, my landlord to change the locks, Subaru to get the locks changed on the car. The entire time I was on the phone I was say a silent prayer asking that everything work out... Then I got a call from Dan. He had stormed out in a rage and just drove off to I don't even know where! Aparently he texted my phone offering a reward to anyone who finds my bag... no response. Then he called my phone...

An elderly lady answered the phone! She found my bag in a cart and decided to look inside to see if she could find a phone or number to contact to let us know that she found it. My prayer was answered! Aparently she had tried to turn my phone on but couldn't figure out how it worked. So when Dan texted, she didn't know how to reply, but when he called, an answer call button appears and she touched it and was able to talk to Dan. I'm so thankful to this kind woman. Not only did she find my bag, but she was kind enough to take care of it and not take anything!

I was so worried that my stuff would fall into the wrong hands. You never know, right? Well, the important thing is that everything is fine now. We were able to get my bag back with everything still in it!
Hayden had to make sure everything was in her bag!

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