Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let's Go Phillies!

I know, I know, I'm just trying to catch everyone up on what's been going on in the past 2 months! I'm sorry, I've been a little, well, preoccupied lately! My apologies!

As you all know, our beloved Phillies made it to the World Series yet again this year! What an achievement! Even though they didn't win it all, we still love them! I had a bet going with my boss, an avid Yankee's fan born and raised in Long Island, NY. If the Phillies won, he would have had to wear a Phillies jersey the following week and take me, his favorite assistant, to lunch, my choice of restaurant! But, since the Yankee's won, I had to wear a Yankee's jersey for a week! Let's just say I wasn't too enthusiastic about coming in to work that week!

Here we are cheering for the Phillies during their final game against the Yankee's.

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