Thursday, December 17, 2009

Decorating the Tree

Our tree is finally decorate! Yay! I was so hoping to be more on top of things this year, but yet again we didn't get our tree up and decorated until the week before Christmas. Well, at least it's up, right?!
We did most of the decorating while Hayden was sleeping. Dan and I like to decorate together, it's something we've done since we moved into our first place. So most nights he gets home too late for me to stay up and wait, but Tuesday night he got home early enough that I was able to stay up and wait for him to decorate our tree! Hayden woke up in the middle of us decorating, so I brought her down to see what the tree looked like. She was in aww! It was so great seeing her eyes light up at the sight of the tree!
Last week she got the opportunity to help my parents decorate their tree. She was privilaged enough to get to put the star on the top too! Here she is with my dad putting the star on the tree...

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