Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What a month so far...

I didn't know July would be so eventful!!! It started off as the month from HELL! Hayden caught the swine flu from my sister who got it from some girl at the camp that she went to! So for 5 days we were quarentined inside the house, forbidden from having contact with the outside world! It was horrible! Not the way I was planning on spending the 4th of July! So from July 2nd - 6th we spent day and night locked up in our apartment watching Tigger & Pooh and Handy Manny. Let's just say there is only so much of those shows that I can handle! Dan was lucky, since he only had limited exposure to the virus and was on the antiviral he was allowed to go in to work without any problem. I, on the other hand, was directly exposed to both my sister and Hayden so I was quarentined as a preventative measure. That meant no work for 5 days! I didn't mind that too much!

We spent the 4th of July on our little balcony watching the fireworks. We are in the perfect location where we get to see fireworks from 4 different locations. To the East of us we had the fireworks from Manayunk, to the north were the fireworks from Norristown, to the south we had Radnor's fireworks and to the west were the fireworks from Valley Forge. Our best view were the fireworks from Manayunk. It was nice, because of the distance it wasn't too loud and Hayden was about to enjoy it even though she was sick.

Let me just tell you, this little girl is a trooper! You wouldn't have even known she was sick unless you were told! She was as happy as could be, only diffence between the way she normally acted and the way she was acting then was that she just wanted to cuddle. Normally she wants to be on the floor playing with her toys. But she didn't let anything stop her, not even the swine! She would play with her toys, but on my lap. I do have to admit, it was nice to have some undisturbed mommy/baby time! It's been a while since we were together for that long without having anyone else around. I miss spending that quality time with her. I feel like I don't get enough of that right now that I'm working.

So if that wasn't bad enough, just after Hayden got better, our car, our ONLY car, broke down! AHHHH! So for about a week we had to take my little sister's car from her and use it to get back and forth from work. It was a bit of a struggle since I get done work at 3 and don't get home until just after 4 and Dan needs to be at work at 4 and his job is 1/2 hr away! He was late every day! What did they want me to do? I wasn't going to leave work early, I just took 5 days off! We applied for a loan to get a new car and waited and waited and waited...

Finally, after the weekend we heard back from the loan officer. We are now very proud owners of a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW SUBARAU WRX! I love it! It's beautiful and shinny!!!! :)

Then yesterday my parents suprised me by stopping by my office with Hayden. It was a nice way to end my day! I love showing her off. She's just so cute and precious. She was taking a nap when I pulled her from her carseat to see everyone. Even though she was abruptly woken up from a nice nap, she still was a happy baby. She smiled and laughed at everyone! I have such an AWESOME BABY! How did I get so lucky???

Then today I find out that Hayden's picture was selected as a winner in this week's Photo Caption Contest on! What she won, I'm still not sure, but she won!!!

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