Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hayden in January

This month has definitley been all about this little cutie right here! With her birthday at the beginning of the month, so how the celebrations have still continued! I guess we just can't stop celebrating her, having her in our lives is magical! We waited so long and suffered through so many difficulties and now we have this little angel! I am so grateful to have her in my life!
Hayden with her "Happy Birthday" tiarra. She finds this every day and brings it over to one of us to put it on her. She's not happy until she is wearing it! And don't forget her tooth brush! She would have that thing in her mouth all day if I let her!
Since she stopped nursing (I don't think I mentioned that yet, BTW- Hayden is no longer nursing, WooHoo!!!) she's had a little bit of a harder time going down for her naps. Last Saturday I was just so exhausted and just couldn't deal with her crying anymore, so I put her in her high chair and gave her some food and chocolate milk to try to make her happy. She took one bit of ther chicken nugget, looked at the TV and was out!
Here's daddy and Hayden on the train to the city to have lunch with mommy! I love when they come to the city and surprise me!!!
This is my favorite picture! She is so head over heals in love with her daddy! Dan had her on his shoulders and she would keep looking down at him like this, make kissy faces and start giggling uncontrolably! It was so great seeing her so happy with her dad! Melts my heart!

What's new with Hayden?

  1. She is totally walking/running all on her own
  2. She went from only having 2 teeth for the longest time to now a whapping 8 teeth!
  3. Her favorite words/phrases (yes, I did say phrases!) are "Mom", "Dad", "Mommom", "Poppop", "dog", "ball" and most importantly "stop it!"
  4. She's sleeping 10-12 hours through the night!!! (FINALLY!!!)
  5. She HATES confined spaces (that's why she refused to sleep in her crib or playpen and would literally freak to the point that she couldn't breath) I think she's a little claustraphobic!
  6. Her favorite person in the world is her daddy.
  7. She stopped nursing the day after she turned one. It's like all of a sudden she was "too big" to nurse anymore!
  8. We weighed her at the aquarium to see what shark she would be and she weighed in at a whopping 27 lbs!

My little baby is growing up so fast! I hope I can continue to document all the memorable moments in our lives for her to enjoy later on in her life!


  1. she's 27 pounds? She weighs more than Calvin! I love it :) She is too cute for words

  2. Paola, she is probably one of the most beautiful kids ive ever seen! the pic of her sleeping in the high chair is my favorite! hope to see you guys some time during your visit next month!
